My major drivers

When we have access to information, we can become more aware of our surroundings, understand our world, and identify challenges and solutions. However, having access alone is not sufficient. We also need theoretical and experiential learning to develop our skills so we can effectively navigate the vast amounts of data and sensory input we encounter every day.

Knowledge’ is the combination of the information, experience and theoretical understanding we each hold. As our individual and collective knowledge advances, we may provide more valuable contributions to discussions, decision-making and information transfer. We also better understand the impact decisions and actions have on ourselves, our family, friends and communities – now and in the future.

The advancement of knowledge is linked to the quest for truth. When truth is revealed we often consider the value to ourselves and others, and whether this truth should be shared. The ability to ‘speak truth to power’ and ‘speak truth to prosper’ are critical for many professional and personal circumstances. I would like to point out that my correspondent and pragmatic views of truth are coupled with a large dose of intellectual humility.

The ‘scientific method’ promotes a logical and rational form of information, knowledge and truth gathering. To ‘think like a scientist’ and incorporate such thinking is an essential component for advancing knowledge and seeking truth, regardless of the industry, field or discipline. The fundamental steps of the scientific method are observing, questioning, theorising, designing an experiment, collecting and analysing data, drawing conclusions, and finally communicating the outcomes.

As a proponent of the scientific method with intuitive abilities, I welcome all opportunities to contribute to your projects and together further our learning, solutions, collective knowledge and truth.