
No kids? No Worries!

My TEDxNTU 2015 talk

In 2015 I was invited by the TEDxNTU curatorial team to deliver a TEDx talk on the theme of ‘Life – What’s the Point?’. My biological brain kicked in and I developed this short talk around the idea that we each contribute to the survival of our genetic material by passing on our own genes to our children, and/or caring for children genetically-related to us, and/or creating a world that supports the continuation of our species.

Watch my talk here.

As you will see in the comments section, there is a mixed reaction to the content! I am pleased that I achieved my goal of offering a perspective on the purpose of life which could generate further conversation.

What do you think the purpose of life is? What about the purpose of your own life? Is there more to life than passing on our genes?

Check out all the amazing TEDxNTU talks online here and for even more content – the TEDx library.