Critical Thinking

11 pointers for finding professional critical thinkers for your expert network

When your executive team is ready to recruit a critical thinker or two into your expert network it pays to have realistic expectations for the practicalities of the exercise. Even though the process will likely be different than usual and possibly require more resources, the additional intellectual power gained will be a significant advantage.

Professors and other PhD graduates bring diverse knowledge and skills to the executive’s expert network. I previously wrote about the benefits of having these ‘professional critical thinkers’ as an intellectual resource for the executive team in the Information Age and Exponential Era.

After the decision has been made to include professional critical thinkers in the expert network, the next step is to plan and then implement a ‘recruitment’ process. As with any recruitment, the process must be tailored to internal needs and to the target audience — in this case, professors and other PhD graduates (e.g. university researchers or Post-Ac members). For some executives, this means venturing into the less familiar territory of the university sector and its cultural nuances.

Here are 11 points to consider when planning your search for the best candidates and for creating fruitful relationships with experts who are used to operating within the cultural norms of the university environment.

Read the full article here.