
Professors Should Be Able to Share Their Expertise Without Risking Professional Progress

Removing the barriers that increase professional risk would lead to practical and cultural change. A professor is professionally better off if they ‘stay in their lane’ rather than sharing their expertise in a new area. A hard truth is being exposed: the current research system lacks the agility required for professors to effectively participate in the preparation […]


The Covid-19 outbreak highlights the potential of preprints

A recent posting on bioRxiv may have been erroneous, but the mistakes were picked up within hours, notes Kristen Sadler Read the full article, published by Times Higher Education here.

Technology Universities

Do androids dream of big data domination?

The blessing of big data can be a curse without resources for analysis. But how much computerised help do we really want? Read my first article of the new decade, published on January 7 2020 in Times Higher Education.


Academics should stop being so sniffy about TED

Giving short online talks for a general audience offers benefits for individuals, subjects and the entire profession, says Kristen Sadler Read full article published in Times Higher Education, July 2019.