Self Improvement

I’m adapting to the covid 19 world by using what I learnt from life events. It’s not the first time I’ve re-imagined my future.

I’m using transferable knowledge, and you can too, to adapt to the covid 19 world.

Our world is being flipped upside down by a miniscule novel coronavirus. Yesterday we had a sense of familiarity. Today is a time of continual change. Foreseeing tomorrow seems impossible. Yet, somehow, we are beginning to adapt and prepare in a time when the unknown far outweighs the known.

My strategy for adapting to the covid-19 world is based on applying lessons I’ve learnt from my past experiences. Even though I’ve never been in the midst of a global pandemic, I’m able to tap into knowledge I gained during very different unrelated life events, and transfer the critical lessons to my current circumstances. I’m using transferable knowledge, and you can too.

Read my full article here on Medium