
Lessons in crisis preparation & resilience from the human immune system: Think the unthinkable, plan for anything & don’t ignore the small signals.

How can organizations better prepare for potentially catastrophic events and respond to limit the damage? Part of the answer lies in our own biology.


13 ways for walkers and runners to exercise in harmony during covid 19 social distancing.

With more walkers and runners taking to the streets due to coronavirus lockdown, the chance of being bumped, swiped or surprised by a sweaty body is higher. Let’s all use these 13 ways to be better pavement neighbours, not sidewalk hogs.

Self Improvement

I’m adapting to the covid 19 world by using what I learnt from life events. It’s not the first time I’ve re-imagined my future.

I’m using transferable knowledge, and you can too, to adapt to the covid 19 world.